Life-long learning approach in the asylum, migration and integration processes



Jun 1, 2018 – Dec 31, 2021

Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund 2014-2020
and financial sources of budget of the Republic of Lithuania

Project Coordinator

Diversity Development Group

Project partners

Lithuanian Red Cross Society


The aim of the project is to apply life-long learning approach in the asylum, migration and integration process in Lithuania according to the holistic programme of education and to improve competencies of specialists working in the field of migration and migrants’ integration.

During the three years of the project implementation, it is planned to organize three training cycles (one cycle per year). The cycle consists of 12 training sessions.

Contact person

Luka Marcinkutė

* Projektas yra bendrai finansuojamas iš Prieglobsčio, migracijos ir integracijos fondo 2014–2020 metų nacionalinės programos lėšų ir Lietuvos Respublikos valstybės biudžeto lėšų.