Life-long learning approach in the reception and asylum system



Jun 1, 2018 – Nov 30, 2021

Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund 2014-2020
and financial sources of budget of the Republic of Lithuania

Project Coordinator

Diversity Development Group

Project partners

Archbishopric of Vilnius Caritas


The aim of the project – to apply life-long learning approach in the processes of asylum in Lithuania; to establish a holistic education programme  for the specialists working in the field of asylum and to improve their competencies and abilities.

Contact person

Luka Marcinkutė
Project manager 

* Projektas yra bendrai finansuojamas iš Prieglobsčio, migracijos ir integracijos fondo 2014–2020 metų nacionalinės programos lėšų ir Lietuvos Respublikos valstybės biudžeto lėšų.